About Candi & Kj

About KJ 
(Kjell Fruytier)
Kjell Fruytier is an entrepreneur from Belgium whose dreams of becoming a professional football player were crushed due to an unfortunate injury that prevented him from playing any longer. At the time he felt useless on this planet & was searching for his purpose in life. Then just 4 short years later he started his own company as a funnel hacker by the age of 22 & quickly became recognized in his industry is now working with multiple 8 and 9 figure businesses.

Kj is a digital marketing consultant & funnel hacker who helps companies profit wildly through digital marketing & massive lead generation. He has personally managed large digital ad spends on behalf of clients and has been able to consistently prove ROI. 

Kj's clients are some of the fastest-growing companies in Belgium and in the United States and he has helped them gain choke holds in their respective markets online.
About Candi
Candi Rose, of Millionaire Flipper, is a Speaker, Real Estate Investor & Mentor. She is originally from Atlanta, GA in the United States however, she recently moved to Barcelona Spain with her daughter where she now runs her real estate investing company remotely & teaches her students online. From college dropout to rock bottom more times that she would like to admit she beat the system & quickly rose to the top as an expert who has made millions in her industry. 

Candi speaks openly about the real struggles she has had in her life & how both her faith & Real Estate Investing was always there to pull her out. Candi whole-heartedly believes that Real Estate Investing is an open playing field for anyone who wants to jump in. 
It doesn’t matter your past, your gender or your color. 
If you want it bad enough & are willing to work for it… 
Anyone can have it!